Monday, June 6, 2011

Virtual Identity

Escaping from who we actually are and our identity is common in our world. It seems like no one is happy with who they are, so they are always constantly changing. Now since we have the accessiblity to the virtual world, this is where we go to hide from reality and become someone different.

You can be whomever you want to be in the digital world, and few choose to be themsevles. So now we have two worlds, the real world where we already have a loss of an identity and a virtual world where identity means nothing. You can choose how you look like, down to your hair colour. You can decide how you want to act or whom you want to be friends with. Nervousness and shyness are now a thing of the past since you can hide behind the digital world and your avatar. No one will really know that you're actually you. So who are you?

Also with virtual reality, you can change at the snap of your fingers on who you look like. Every physical aspect of yourself can be altered within 5 minutes. You can be Tim one day and then become Joe on the other day. The possibilities are endless. There are no limitations.

Now what happens when this world becomes real for you? You can play piano, read, eat and sleep in this virtual world, but what about real life? Is playing a piano virtually the same as actually touching the piano and hearing the melody first hand? It's different and will never be the same, but with so many people already falling into this trap, it's not going to be long before virtual reality becomes actualy reality.